The Birth of Troubardour Coffee

And so here it goes.

The moment has come. Troubardour Coffee is now available and shipping. We have several hundred freshly roasted bags. Where will they go, who will drink them? What interesting stories will the coffee hear as people drink it all over the world? Some people will wake up to it, others read great books alongside it, some will bring a fresh cup to their lovers in bed, and others build new companies with it at its side. I know it's just coffee, but for me it is more than that. It is the physical realization of what happens when you let go.


The birth of companies is never recorded. Well here you are in mine. I could not be more naked than this. My heart is fully open. I'm on a small sailboat in the big blue sea with my sail waiting for a little breeze—to take me somewhere, anywhere it wants. I want to get there, but I don't know what's there. We shall sail nonetheless, and enjoy each minute of the ride!

This will work. I trust it. I'm not afraid anymore. Love leads to good things and I'm surrounded and protected every day by more and more good people that shine bright light and are ready to live, to let their raw truths come out, to bloom from their seeds into beautiful flowers.

Single Origin Costa Rican Specialty coffee Troubardour

I'm very sensitive, it's been a long ride. I've hurt and been hurt along the way of learning. Today I feel a lot of love and forgiveness because we all really are trying to do our very best. Life didn't come with a manual because it is a book we must write. Yours could be an adventure, a mystery novel, a travel book, a photo album, poetry, short stories or long format, all books are different and yours just needs to be interesting—to yourself.

If the world is confusing now it’s just because things were going the wrong way. It's simply time to turn the other way. It's time to drop your maps and your GPS and close your eyes so you can see the path you must really follow. And to do that all you have to do is follow the things you like to do. Society has placed all good things as rewards to hard work. Desert after appetizer. Weekend after workday. Vacation after work year. It's not like that. The things we love are the things we need to do, not just because they give you joy but because doing what you love brings you clear, detailed, powerful answers about yourself, who you really are, and what great things you should be doing right now.

Let's jump together into the beautiful and mysterious unknown...

With a great cup of coffee in our hands of course. ;)


The Troubardours: AMIR THE WILD


New Blessings