New Blessings

Make room for new blessings!


I was on a boat in the middle of a pristine lake in New Hampshire with a good friend. The day was perfect— the wind was caressing my skin, the leaves were turning red, I had a glass of Nicaraguan rum on my right hand and a fat joint in the other. The sun was warm and it was essentially the most perfect day anyone could be in. We put this song on loop and it must made everything more ‘perfecter’. Perfect serendipity. I was grateful.

We tend to spend so much time wallowing in our problems and fears that when incredible moments get given to us sometimes we don’t even know how to receive them. Imagine someone throws you a $10,000 check and you fail to grasp it because you’re distracted thinking of problems…imagine watching the check flying off away from you. From this point it’s important to learn to receive again, we need to treat everything, every little thing as if it’s our last. A hot shower. A sleepy morning and a comfy pillow. A good meal, a great lover, the first sip of your coffee. A hug that lasts more than 5 seconds.

That song on that lake helped understand that without us deciding to throw away the garbage of our minds, old memories, old reactions, old stories, old, old, old, we cannot make space for the new. There’s nothing spiritual about this. You’re either thinking of something negative or something positive, but you can’t be both places at once. NOBODY, not even the most depressed person in the world wants to feel bad things. I know, I’ve been there in the dark caves of down below. Down there escape seems futile. Gravity seems to be heavier and ideas and talks about self-love seem like paragraphs from another language. Simple concepts like ‘let go’ sound simple to grasp but that simplicity is why it gets lost in translation — Our minds are trained to make everything complicated. We somehow believe that nothing is easy and that if we want to forget the past and let go of things we don’t need that we must pay some sort of penance in a cocktail of guilt, remorse and pain that loops and loops.

There’s so much more we are supposed to feel in life. There is so much more we are supposed to experience. There are other versions of you inside you inside you. Reincarnation does not have to happen when you die, it can happen right now. The deeper we go the more we will fall in love with ourselves because we are like a pond of water. If it doesn’t rain for a while, the water of the pond becomes stale. Not having a source of freshness makes fresh water a breeding ground for bacteria that will turn the entire pond from a liquid that gives you life, to a liquid that makes you sick. Refresh the water in your pond by listening to your soul, by learning to hear its call and giving it just a little bit of adventure in whatever form that may be.

Your soul cannot talk to you in words, it can only communicate to you through feelings. Sadness and anxiety is just the notes is uses to try to drive you to change your environment, your direction, the people you hang around with, the work you do, or the way you behave.

‘Do what you fear watch it disappear’ is a great massage that has a hidden meaning behind it. If we can make our fears go away by walking towards them, it means that fears are the North in our compass. Fear is the exact direction we must walk towards. It makes no sense. It feels like the wrong way only because the dark voices in our head don’t want us to walk in that direction. It knows that once your soul begins to feel the higher vibrational frequencies that being truly FREE brings about there is absolutely no way that you will be able to stop chasing them. The voices are scared of change because they know that if you find the courage to truly go for what you want in your life, you won’t ever go back to the life where the voices and society ruled your life and your decision making. If you begin the quest to find a better version of you, you will stumble upon a path that will only go faster and faster into the unknown, like a kid running down a steep mountain and realizing that while he can keep running, he cannot stop or brake anymore, he can only keep going.

One of the words that dramatically affected my life was this edit from the speeches of Alan Watts. I’ve heard and shared this video so many times I can’t even count. It opened my brain in many ways.

You can’t make mistakes. Every decision in life requires infinite data, we wobble before making decisions because we think that is going to lead us in the right direction, but what he is saying is that we must trust our intuition, we must let our lives go in the direction the river wants to take us. I’m don’t fully there yet, but I can admit to taking the necessary first steps to get there. I’ve made lots of mistakes, but somehow “amongst the wash” as Alan says, I find myself making progress. I know there’s more to go.

When we create we make space.

When we forget and forgive we make space

When we refuse to jump in the time machine into the future we make space.

When we attempt to control our addictions we make space.

Imagine an airport. Every gate is has an airplane, an old one, full of old people and stories and problems. It’s time to let those airplanes go so that the new planes arriving can unload all the people that are waiting to meet you, all the love that is trying to get to you, all the things that are supposed to happen to you, all the cargo that is meant for you.

Make room for new blessings.


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