Striving for your Authenticity.
“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.”
Finding your authenticity is less than easy because it forces you to switch on the lights and see all the old dusty lies you've been telling yourself. When there is no one to point the finger at, it becomes hard for your mind to understand that you, yourself, would keep things about yourself from yourself. Because if you can't trust yourself-who can you trust? Read that again.
Finding your authenticity is less than easy because we have dreams about who we want to be that might pan out to not be true and that can be scary since new information that could challenge notions and establishments about our old foundation could crack it, especially if we discover that a major change of direction is needed in our life.
When we live with others, finding who you really are is challenging because any drastic changes to your personality and way of being will be met with either approval or disapproval and it may jeopardize existing relationships in your life.
Personally speaking, I have made finding my authentic self one of the primordial goals of my life. My soul wants more, more joy, more sun, more plants, more peace, more abundance, more time, more music, more naps, more hugs, more art and inspiration, more laughs and sunsets and hobbies and support and definitely more coffee and lots and lots of pure clean love. I just keep going where I think it wants me to go, sometimes stumbling, sometimes making false turns, but always on - forward paddle, forward paddle, forward paddle.
Authentic intentions is the food that your soul needs on its plate. Once you start on this path of discovery it will gain momentum as you hand over the steering wheel back to your true you, maybe for the first time. In that sense, finding your authenticity is really finding the meaning of your life. It’s handing over the steering wheel to your soul so that it can go wherever it wants. Everyone has fruits. Everyone has beautiful flowers that want to bloom. Being authentic is about living in a state of mind where the decisions you make in your life don’t need to be made with logic, but with feeling.
Finding your authenticity is efficiency because once you know the truth about yourself, making decisions will stop requiring for you to ‘think’ about things, instead you will already have the answers you need in your code of authenticity. A friend of mine pointed out that if we ask ourselves any question and listen carefully to our instinct, each question is followed by an immediate gut reaction—either a positive ‘aha!’ or a negative ‘hmmm-hmmmm’. Taking those are our final answers regardless of how illogical it might seem is true emotional intelligence.
Finding your authenticity is less than easy because you have to use your mind to convince your mind to quiet your mind from saying negative things and bringing you down so you can release those fears and fake insecurities out of your mind. It is very much like being possessed by a demon and having to be your own priest to exorcise yourself.
“Living from a place of authenticity is difficult because those living in distortion see you as a threat to their delusion and some are so attached to that delusion that they will behave in erratic ways to defend their ego’s projection of wounding.”
The truth is very powerful. The truth is real magic. Remember how Mary Poppins snapped her fingers to clean the kids room?
When you speak the truth, words become magic and they alone will make walls around you shake. Its effect is so strong that people might disappear from your life in minutes. Truth creates peace because it re-arranges and forces things into place. Saying the truth is the Northstar to find the path and the nourishment that our souls require to bloom.
The side effects of pursuing your authentic self will likely be spiritual nausea followed by peace as your mind releases the responsibility of analyzing every decision and instead just follows the constitution written by your new true self. I’m working to practice this more and more every day.
“As I began to love myself. I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living my own truth. Today I know this is authenticity.”