

To my papá, Federico Oreamuno whose soul has been guiding and protecting me ever since the day he took his life 20 years ago. He told me to be anything I wanted to, but asked me to promise him that I would try to become the best in the world at whatever it is that I chose. I experience life for the both of us. Te amo papá.


To my abuelita, Virginia Mora de Oreamuno who showed me the creativity that was already inside me and who taught me the value of living a simple life, something I didn't understand until many years after her death. She was a concert pianist and music teacher and her inheritance to me was her most valuable procession— her piano. Her instrument traveled all the way from Costa Rica to join my metamorphosis and become part of the Troubardour. You'll be able to touch the 100 year old Mahogany wood and keys of her piano if you get to explore the bar in person. Te Amo Abuelita!


And most importantly, to my beautiful daughter Amalia. This coffee company and this bar is dedicated to you as proof that you should pursue your ultimate life no matter how scary or strange your dreams might be. At first they might not make sense to you or the people around you, but your soul will always know where to take you, follow it and whenever you have to make a choice, chose love and you will not go astray. You're my inspiration to become the strongest and happiest man I can possibly be. Te amo!


The meaning of Pura Vida


Cocktail, Cocktail, if you could talk...